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Where Earth Meets Water

Date and time is TBD



A donation based monthly Shamanism Without Borders clearing and tending drum journey circle addressing what is surfacing within mother earth and the layers in which are requiring attention.

Where Earth Meets Water
Where Earth Meets Water

Time & Location

Date and time is TBD

Galveston, 17th St & Seawall Blvd, Galveston, TX 77550, USA

About the event

Shamanism Without Borders (SWB)  is a global response network of shamanic practitioners who tend to traumatic events around the world. We do this through shamanic journey to energetically tend to natural disasters, acts of terrorism, war, pollution, and anything that causes disruption and suffering to humanity, to the animal and plant life, and to the earth’s delicate bio-system.

In doing so, we seek to alleviate suffering, to restore balance and harmony worldwide.

We invite anyone who would like to lend their care and support to join these tendings, either by participating in a group tending or by tuning in on their own at a particular time to a particular topic.

Each tending is done from a place of neutrality so that we can be open to whatever information is available for each of us, rather than assuming we know intellectually what the situation needs. Every tending also emphasizes the practice of asking for permission, to ensure that this particular issue is something that is available for us to tend to.

Shamanism Without Borders began as a guidebook, written by members of the Society of Shamanic Practice, detailing a cross-cultural method for tending to these incidents. Since then the book has become a supportive tool for this work.

Shamanism Without Borders is led by a volunteer group of shamanic practitioners that we call SWB Community Leaders. Our Community Leaders facilitate SWB events within their local communities through in-person and online events, and to our broader global community through online events. SWB events are by nature community healing events and provide an opportunity for anyone interested in being of service to participate. Visit for more info.

Water Meets the Earth and will consist of the following ceremonial format:

  • Brief description of the theme.
  • Calling in the directions and allies.
  • A clearing/healing to bring us together into neutrality.
  • Drum journey to ask how we can be of service to the particular theme.
  • Guided tending process.
  • Protection prayer and blessing.
  • Release of directions and allies.

What tools are recommended to use during an SWB process?

  • We suggest being in a ceremonial space, setting up an altar, and lighting a candle.
  • Any tools you already work with. Drum, rattle, feathers, tobacco, crystals, etc.

How can I continue the tending process or receive additional support?

  • Feel free to continue connecting through our SWB FB Group.
  • If you are interested in learning more about the practice of Shamanism Without Borders and how to facilitate this meaningful work, we invite you to join our network and gain instant access to a free 3-part audio training by visiting please visit for more info.

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